Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // Apr 24, 2010 at 10:43 am

Yes Kranti there is no contradiction between Osho being the basis of your life, and listening to and visiting a living Master. Jayesh on the other hand as enforced a viewpoint that would make there appear to be a contradiction. A sincere follower of Osho, even one that has never and will never meet Osho, must not go to another so-called Master. Either they are not meditating deep enough or they are not an authentic disciple. It creates a guilt trip out of anyone who dares to (apparently) move away from Osho. It also forces people to (apparently) stay with Osho. Actually it is just a cunning mental trip to maintain his hold on power.

A Master would send you anywhere, even another Master, if that is what you needed. A priest on the other hand is interested in building the flock, not on helping you become free of your herd mentality.

Yes again Kranti, wow you must get a prize, two stars for your forehead. The resort is a rare place and does demand that you stand on your own two feet. If you bow down in gratitude you are pursuing Osho’s old way of devotion. OK so it is allowed, but it is also scorned. The resort also demands that you think a certain way. Jayesh has for example coercively created the belief that to go to a living Master, even perhaps a disciple of Osho, is a kind of betrayal and a spiritual lacking. Why is it that all the other Osho views about visiting other Masters do not have space? Are they actually lies made up by Osho, and only Jayesh knows what true words he uttered?

Let us say with the Turiya example I get to choose which quote Jayesh has to use to back up his position. OK so I give him the quote from Lokesh. With such a viewpoint, I find it hard to come to the conclusion that Turiya should not conduct Osho therapy because she has visited another Master. Jayesh goes further than this and generalises by including sannyassins that have been with Osho, and even one’s that have not, in the picture. This is a gross inflation of his little piece of the pie, to say the least.

Mostly wrong this time Kranti… stars for a naughty boy. Yes the resort clearly does not encourage blind following in the way you mean, yet you have a naïve understand of the subject. Jayesh, Amrito, and the resort, encourages you to think, act, and be a certain way. This is a set of beliefs (just like any religion). It is not your own understanding developed from your own journey. This is what is referred to when any person or organisation encourages blind following. It is the essence of organised religion and of cult followings. The mind still works in a dull kind of a way. It is just that it is stuck on repeat of track 1. It is called blind following, and is strongly encouraged by Jayesh, Amrito, and the resort.

On any given subject, Osho has offered a vast variety of insights which are often times contradictory. It is why you cannot create a religion or a cult out of Osho. Of course if you choose to ignore certain viewpoints, and reinforce others, then you can create a belief system, and a religion.

Recall Amrito’s delightful little bundle of wisdom about how you are free to be yourself at the resort. All the opportunities to act in ways others then his idea of Osho zen has either been removed or is clearly discouraged. For example you are not free to look at a picture of Osho or spend time at his Pagoda (because the pictures have been removed and the pagoda demolished). To bow down in gratitude is the old way, or worse, is the way of the old religions. From Jayesh we even have it that having never met Osho, it is that he is available for me. That is a nice idea, and is also a nice idea for sannyassins who have loved Osho deeply. What about the idea that you are free to visit or listen to another Master?

Out of the vast array of physical queues and viewpoints from Osho, you are free to use the select ones that Jayesh and Amrito have chosen. Actually they have decided that physical queues are out. They have also decided that devotion is out in general, with of course a few glaring exceptions. They justify their decisions on supposedly practical affairs based on the words of Osho they like. What about all the quotes of going to another Master, and even whilst he was in the body? Osho must have been on nitrous when he talked about the idea of visiting another Master!

It was endlessly argued that OK we accept that Osho had a devotional path, but that was in the old days, and his last few years was all Zen. Funny thing is Osho spoke about the profound devotional aspect of Zen. Even funnier is that this supposedly devotional free, stand on your own to feet Osho zen brought to you by Jayesh, Amrito, and friends, has some strange components to it.

Did you read the quotes of what Jayesh said in the previous passage? Jayesh has a very devotional view of Osho. I would even say it is rather extreme. I can understand if you had actually met Osho….if you gazed into the endless depth of his eyes, and were showered by his presence. Still, many will concede that even so, really what is left once the body is gone is not the presence of the Master, but rather the infinite awareness. Yet Jayesh even holds the view that people who have never met Osho can connect fully with Osho. To go somewhere else demonstrates a foolishness, a lacking, or ingratitude. If there ever was a division between Zen and Devotion, I would put this mentality in the Devotion category. So what is it, we have Osho zen with a bit of devotion thrown in. How does that work? Who figured that one out and spread its ideology (belief system/religion/cult) whilst ignoring the other viewpoints clearly expressed by Osho?

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