Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // Apr 26, 2010 at 1:21 am

If I have an issue with the Pune resort, they say it has nothing to do with them, and direct me to OIF. OIF politely replies and says it is nothing to do with them, ask the Pune resort.

Get this though, if I get in a bit of a scrap with OIF, then all of a sudden I am banned from the Pune resort. Keep in mind that the Pune ‘resort’ is the central hub of the Osho movement. You become known as an outsider or and outcast, and so you have to go off and find new friends. Maybe those friends are nastier than the ones you were not permitted to connect with.

If you think that is pretty convoluted, just wait, cause theirs more. OIF fraudently trademarks everything imaginable to do with Osho by omitting the fact that he is not just a made up name like “Coca-Cola”, but a real famous historic spiritual figure. Of course when the trademark ruling went against OIF, we had Sadhana (the resort spokesperson) blasting the US ruling. She said that they were treating ‘Osho’ as if it was a name like “Coca-Cola”. It is precisely because ‘Osho’ is not something like “Coca-Cola” that the ruling went against OIF. It is precisely because OIF made the presentation that ‘Osho’ was a name like “Coca-Cola” that it received the trademarks. Talk about cultish screwed up mentality!

OIF needed to demonstrate that it had ‘control’ over all the ‘legitimate’ Osho centres in order to progress in its legal monopolisation. So it simply stated, and under oath, that it had ‘control’. Then, once it gained legal standing (with multiple trademarks for example), it sent out legal contracts for all the Osho centres to sign, such that once they signed this letter, OIF effectively had ‘control’. So then if I ask OIF, hey you guys have the copyrights and trademarks for Osho, but do you have control of the centres. OIF will say yup we sure do, and here is the legal documentation to prove it. Talk about a cultish screwed up mentality!

The vision of Osho as unfolding under the guidance of Jailesh and Amrito is for all to see at the Pune resort. A key element in the platform is a no-nonsense Zen style approach that seeks to weed out devotional elements that could lead to the formation of a religion. Yet numero uno Jailesh holds a deeply devotional view of Osho. He reckons that even people that have never met Osho can get fully in touch with Osho (the being), and need no help from all the fake gurus and priests (and I suppose mental health professionals too). At the core of his belief system is a deeply (if not extreme) devotional position. What about all the other people like Vatayana and others who have worked tirelessly day and night for the last two decades. Would you not call them great devotees? Talk about a cultish screwed up mentality!

What about the monsoon when all the water stations were closed because the drinking water contamination problem was first recognised? I know, lets do nothing and wait until the end of the monsoon such that then the drinking water stations will come clean anyway. Once the rains have stopped the micro-biologist does her tests….hey look, the drinking water stations are all clean. Wow, the problem has been fixed, and it cost us nothing.

Hey but what about that annoying engineer that first identified the problem and forced us to shut down all the water stations for weeks on end. I know, let’s make up a bunch of nasty lies, and then kick him out. But what if he responds? Ah no, he is just a dumb gardener, and anyhow why would he respond, he is always in silence.

Next monsoon the drinking water contamination was worse then the last time. Gee, lucky that damn engineer didn’t come till after the monsoon. Still he looks like trouble, and he just wrote a damn report that Amrito received (and in general agreed with). Also he started this DDOS campaign. I know, let’s threaten him. Ooops, that only made him send more DDOS’s.

And now, here he is at the Pune resort front gate with a water contamination report. I know let’s get Dhyanesh and the security team to bash him up. Damn he’s still here, and even though we continue to threaten him with the security team, and with our other friends outside the resort. Let’s try and bash him up again. After the second bash up attempt the engineer in a dazed state wanders into the Osho garden, only to be met by a guy with a knife.

The engineer is in a bit of shock after the clash at the front gate, and so only notices the guy with the knife just a metre or so in front of him, along a narrow isolated section of the garden. The blade is open, but not fully. The engineer stops abruptly and says…hey what’s this (pointing to the knife). The guy says, oh, and closes the blade. He than says he was just oiling it.

Wad da ya reckon Freschee? That engineer should do a bid of pillow bashing don’t ya dink? Yup he is a loser! Good that they banned him! Shoulda dun a bedder job of bashen im up I reckon. Makes all the other banned sannyassins want to come to Pune and go for a walk in the park doesn’t it! Seen or heard any signs lately? Nahh, the place is just like heaven, and hugs and kisses all round.

News was coming in thick and fast last year about the threat of Islamic terrorism. The resort touts that all is well, and come all yee faithful. Yet when the German Bakery was blown up what did the resort do? Well, everyone (other than Dhyanesh and Jayesh) meditated for an hour or more, and then it was decided that the best thing to do is throw a party! When Dhyanesh and Jayesh were asked where they were during all this, Osho beamed in a message to Amrito to tell everyone it was a special Inner-Circle secret. No comment! Yet, come all yee faithful! And come they shall say’s Sadhana cause they love Osho. Huhh, you kicked out all the Osho lovers a long time ago! Of course all the cult leaders and followers are still jostling for positions.

Sheela and Gang Orange people Cult™
Jayesh and Gang Maroon people Cult™

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