Anand there are other issues of confusion. My line of supposition was that Dhyanesh was in White-Robe for its duration. Assuming this, it is (was) therefore possible to partly negate his role in the situation based on the inaction of security at the main gate. However Dhyanesh, being head of security, is responsible for making action plans and ensuring they are enacted upon when needed. Hence in any event there would have been a considerable level of irresponsibility on his part.
I am assuming now that Jayesh and Dhyanesh were involved in a meeting at the time of White-Robe (and the explosion). I am assuming Anand that you are clear on the time of seeing Anando and Dhyanesh at the blast site, and that it was after White-Robe (presumably you know that White-Robe had finished). It is also possible that Dhyanesh was at the site previously, or had been to the site for some time before you saw him, and hence your account would then be consistent with Vigyano’s.
Amrito’s comment about waiting for Dhyanesh means that he was of the view that Dhyanesh was in attendance at White-Robe. This is another area of contention. Did he have reason to think that Dhyanesh was in White-Robe, or did he think so out of habit, or did he know that Dhyanesh was in White-Robe?
I would also like to acknowledge Vigyano that you and your partner would have experienced the most unimaginably appalling scenes, and acted in a most selfless and courageous manner in the face of the possibility of further incidents.
The guards at the main gate have raised two issues. The first issue is that they could not reach Dhyanesh. The second issue is that they would not disturb White-Robe. Now from this I made the assumption that Dhyanesh was therefore in White-Robe. It is a reasonable assumption to make. (Of course I here are linking the two issues, and it is possible that security at main gate was aware that Dhyanesh was not in White-Robe, could not contact him, and did not want to entertain the possibility of contacting another senior management figure who was in attendance in White-Robe).
Vigyano, you say you arrived at main gate to see your partner still waiting for help from the resort at just the time that White-Robe finished. So up until the end of White-Robe, security at the main gate was unable to contact Dhyanesh and unwilling to disturb White-Robe. I assume firstly that in being unwilling to disturb White-Robe this also means that they did not enact any additional measures to ensure the safety of the people participating in White-Robe.
How is it that for the entire duration of White-Robe the security at the main gate was not in any contact with Dhyanesh (the head of security)? It is possible that main gate security was not truthful in this regard, however this makes little sense. What reason would main gate have to lie to Vigyano’s partner about this? It makes more sense that Dhyanesh made no contact with main gate security for the duration of White-Robe. Now if Dhyanesh was meeting Jayesh somewhere in the resort, then it seems implausible that he ran to the blast site soon after the blast (with this being prior to the end of White-Robe). Perhaps he was meeting Jayesh in an outside location (maybe the O-Hotel)?
From the above analysis I find it difficult to accept Vigyano’s account of Dhyanesh running to the blast site soon after the blasts occurrence.
This raises important questions about Dhyanesh’s whereabouts. When was Dhyanesh informed of the blast and by whom? It seems that is was not the main gate security as they apparently had no idea where he was or how to contact him. I recall reading previously that the Sannai guard contacted him, and that he subsequently ran to the blast site. Yet this makes no sense. If the Sannai guard did call Dhyanesh when did he do so. Surely this would have taken place just after the blast occurred. Why would the Sannai guard wait till some time later (possibly after White-Robe) to call Dhyanesh and alert him to this most serious situation? So if the Sannai guard called Dhyanesh soon after the blast, and Dhyanesh then ran to the blast site, why did not main gate security know anything about this?
Perhaps the most important area of concern is what Dhyanesh did not with respect to the personal viewing of the Bakery blast, but with respect to ensuring the safety of the resort. As stated previously there was no stated liaising between Dhyanesh and main gate security for the duration of White-Robe. When was Dhyanesh notified of the Bakery incident, by whom, and what actions did he subsequently take?
Now if Dhyanesh was aware of the Bakery blast just after its occurrence, what did he do from then until the end of White-Robe? I find it simply puzzling to say the least that he would have had no contact with main gate security. I again reiterate the point that the resort was known in the preceding months and weeks to be on terrorists radars. As soon as the blast happened at the bakery the possibility of further attacks (whether from blasts or otherwise), was a very real concern. (There is no defence here that the Bakery blast may have been a gas explosion accident. The reason is that given the terrorist threat and the scale of the Bakery disaster, one should surely err on the side of caution). Vigyano and his partner left themselves open to this possibility in their actions, as did many other courageous individuals. So what did Dhyanesh do in response to this obvious possibility?
If Dhyanesh was not notified in a timely manner of the Bakery blast this would explain some discrepancies. It would help explain for example main gate security’s remarkable inaction. It however would not explain why main gate did not go to extraordinary length to contact Dhyanesh in this extra-ordinary situation. (Perhaps they did but from the personal accounts it appears not). More importantly though, it would not explain why Dhyanesh was not contacted until long after the Bakery blast occurred.
Why would Dhyanesh not have been notified immediately after the blast, at least by someone? Perhaps he was in a closed door meeting with Jayesh (at the resort), and either main gate was unaware of this meeting and its location, or main gate was unwilling for some reason to contact them. This latter account may be explained on the basis the Jayesh is the chairmen of the Inner-Circle, and so if he is having a meeting with the head of security then it may have been deemed too important to interrupt. I do not consider such reasoning acceptable, and if this was the reasoning, by whom was it made. Did Dhyanesh instruct main gate security that he was not to be disturbed under any circumstances?
This of course leads to Jayesh. Essentially the approach is to ask the same questions of Jayesh as of Dhyanesh. When was he notified of the Bakery blast, by whom, and what actions did he subsequently take. The main line of questioning is that Jayesh was apparently having a meeting with Dhyanesh (the head of security). It is therefore pertinent to query the correspondence between these to people in relation to the happenings (or lack of them) that evening.
At a personal level we have it that Jayesh may have some circumstances of his own to merit his conduct. I have also read somewhere that Sudheer enforced a banning on the sannyassin that tried to inform the party goers that night of the Bakery blast, and that this was done so at the behest of Jayesh. I have previously stated that the conducting of a disco that evening was not just ‘sinister’, but deeply flawed from a security perspective (as with not taking additional measures relating to White-Robe). I am interested in who allowed the party to take place. If it was Jayesh that requested the sannyassin be banned, I assume that he was supportive of the party taking place, even if not actively so.
Now I come to the question of why Jayesh left the resort (and the country) the next morning.
If he was running away out of fear (perhaps something came up because of being previously involved with the Mumbai bombings) then he is acknowledging that he believes there is a serious threat to the resort. If this is assumed, it does not therefore make any sense that he was either actively or passively unsupportive of additional measures for White-Robe or actively or passively supportive of the evening disco taking place. I also make the point here that if this line of reasoning has any validity, then the resort management has some serious internal problems to come to terms with. If Jayesh went into shock and acted in an irrational manner, then he is in no way fit to manage the resort (let alone the responsibilities of Inner-Circle chairperson).
If Jayesh, like Dhyanesh, was party to inaction with respect to the protection of White-Robe participants, or was a party to enacting the evening disco, then he is culpable of negligent conduct. If Jayesh, like Dhyanesh, was not aware of the Blast incident for ‘some’ time, then the question remains why not. The question also remains what procedures were put in place to ensure that they were informed in the event of a serious incident. Here I also add not just Dhyanesh and Jayesh, but also other members of resort management. How can the resort be said to be well protected when in the event of a serious potential threat, no one of any seniority (not just in management but also in security), can be located or ‘disturbed’? If they were located, when, by whom, and what did they then do (or not do as the case may be)?
It appears that little if nothing was done at least till the end of White-Robe (let’s say that is at least an hour after the blast), and for an as yet unknown time after that. The question remains why not?
If Dhyanesh was personally inspecting the Bakery blast site during White-Robe, then the question remains who was taking care of security responsibilities for the resort? Had he already disseminated his duties to trustworthy subordinates. Surely this cannot be the case because main gate security apparently never even new where he was, let alone how to reach him. Still, surely Dhyanesh should still have been present at the resort and immediately contactable by all relevant people.
If Dhyanesh was at the Bakery blast site some time after White-Robe, the same question remains. Who was taking care of security for the resort? What was being done to ensure the safety of the resorts guests? It seems to me that nothing was being done to ensure the safety of the resort guests, and everything was being done to expose them to harm. If this is the case I really would like to know why. I would also really like to know what will be done to ensure this never ever happens again and that the relevant people are held accountable.
LoL (Love of Law)
Detective Swami
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