Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // Apr 25, 2010 at 6:33 am

OIF initiated proceedings by trying to stop a group using the word “Osho” in their domain name. If OIF won this, then Kranti, you would not be able to express your love for Osho on “”, unless OIF allowed it.

It is not possible to trademark a famous historic figure. OIF, in getting their trademarks associated with “Osho”, actually committed fraud by omitting the fact of Osho being a famous historic figure.

Imagine Kranti if you go to your home town and set up a program that including let’s say Dynamic Meditation (as per Osho guidelines). OIF had the name trademarked, so that means you cannot legitimately use the name unless OIF allows it.

In a way it can act as a protection of the integrity of “Osho”, in the same way that having a copyright can work to protect the integrity of his works. The trouble is OIF has used the copyrights to shut down authentic Osho individuals and organisations that have sought to share Osho (with utmost concern for quality and integrity). They were misusing their authority to control rather than to protect. This was being extended to trademarks to further extend their control. Of course the trademarks were attained fraudulently. Lust for power knows no end. OIF then sought to control Osho centres by coercing them (perhaps evening called extortion, another potentially criminal offence) to sign a legal contract (called a Letter of Understanding).

Tell me how it is right that someone fraudulently attains monopolisation of “Osho” through omitting that he is a famous historic figure? Is OIF above the law? Perhaps OIF is sanctioned by Osho because Osho secretly whispers in Jayesh’s ear from Planet Osho. What right does the legal system have to interfere in the operation of a mystery school? Religion is above law and all the infidels.

The successful media campaign by OIF and Pune Resort is a powerful argument. Reflect on this, that if Sheela had her way, Osho’s books would too be in every book store through out the world. The Ranch would have been the world headquarters for Osho. So many innocent seekers would have been drawn to a dangerous and powerful religious cult. Knowing what Sheela conspired to do, attempted to do, and actually did, can you imagine what should might have got up to if she got her way?

Editing of these books has gone far beyond the basic grammatical omissions. Perhaps some power is commanded by the publishing giants. Publishing giants know what formula makes good sales and profits. Osho becomes a famous popular fiction. Perhaps some of the editing, and omission of certain discourses, is entirely to project a certain dimension of Osho….the Jayesh and Amrito version of Osho Zen (as per the resorts guidelines). Of course it is not all about neo-Zen, because Jayesh and Amrito need certain elements of Osho’s devotional insights to hold onto power. What was it in the Dark Ages…“I am the sole authority through which God speaks”. You will find in time that the editing and omissions will be refined on the bases of maintaining religious power and control over the Osho movement. This is even more important than the publishing giants know-how about what makes a popular fiction sell well.

Perhaps you think that such a view is a fictional conspiracy. I guarantee you that Sheela would have done just the same thing when trying to spread Osho’s message far and wide, that is if she was not stopped.

Fresch is of the view that this is all in the realm of religious politics. What happened at The Ranch was seriously criminal, not psycho projection baloney. Imagine what Sheela would be up to today if she was not stopped.

Plenty of people missed the signs of what was going on at The Ranch, and the signs were glaringly obvious. Sannyassins overheard conspiring to murder or plans to poison, and still stayed in their insane spiritual trip that all is well and good.

Seen or heard anything that might be a sign about the current Inner-Circle, OIF, and the Pune resort? Nahh, everything is cool, the resort is a slice of heaven, and I wish those bad people would stop saying such nasty lies.

Kranti you spend so much time praising the resort, and thinking of your beloved Osho. Finally you quit your job and head off to Pune. How long did you last? Ten days or so wasn’t it. What, too much of a good thing was it? Yet here you are again lambasting all the unbelievers. You need a little credibility. See you at the resort. See if you can make three weeks, and we shall chat afterwards.

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