Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // May 7, 2010 at 2:34 am

This is an interesting quote….Mystery school is alive only when the master is in the body.. When the enlighetened master is not there what can be provided is just the space where people can go , meditate and relate to fellow travellers.. How a dynamic mystery school can thrive without the Master in the same way it did when he was alive? You need Him to keep it alive [End quote]

Most people think that is what is happening at Pune resort, especially because it is no longer called an ashram and has fancy new facilities. Most people also think the publishing wing (OIF) is sharing accessible books about Osho too. Yet we see that there is a systematic misreperentation of his words. It is not just cutting out stuff to do with anything that may be conceived as distasteful devotional mumbo jumbo. It is also not just about propagating the general notion of devotional free ‘zen’ either.

Most interesting is Jayesh’s very own personal relevant view….He asks in this understanding that where Osho is used – be it in the name of a meditation center, a publication, a therapist’s title, or in any other context –that people coming find Him, His understanding, His proposal with all 24 karats. That nothing associated with Osho cause confusion to others coming about the essential direction of their path – particularly to His new people. [End quote]

If you have a look at the examples of systematic deletions from Osho texts (at the bottom of the last article), how can one maintain that 24 karat purity has been maintained. It is not even gold painted. It is fools gold!

Here is the next relevant view from Jayesh….He [Osho] shares that many of His people who were with Him in the body would not make the jump from the presence of the master in the body to the absence of the master in the body. That for the mind of many, the gap created would be too deep and too wide. That in the mystery of existence, they would not understand that they had received from existence exactly what was required of the Master’s bodily presence. And that in this pain of the mind they would travel the world sitting at the feet of every idiot – Osho’s words. Clear, accepting and compassionate.

He also says that His new people, who would be coming after He left the body, would not have the need of His physical presence – again in the mystery of existence, if they had that need they would have come earlier. He says existence calls people to the work of an enlightened One at exactly the right moment. That because of countless generations of religions and priests, we are conditioned that we need the other and as a result we give the other our responsibility. That his new people coming would be very fragile in their potential to be totally responsible and be courageous enough to walk alone, feeling the presence of the Master without the need of His body….

….perhaps you are not available now to His message to us all – present and future – that without the burden of His tortured body His presence will be more available to His people. [End quote]

So if you read a fancy advert in some New Age magazine in the West (or East), you probably would come to Pune resort thinking that it was a nice modern cult free space to meditate and hang out with fellow seekers. Well Jayesh has other ideas!

Kranti expresses a view that the living Master is extremely important, even essential. We can do some quote bashing on the subject but will that get anywhere? I would argue that it can reach a conclusion. At the end of his life Osho made it absolutely clear that there was to be NO spiritual successor. He did leave a group called the Inner-Circle. He however made it absolutely clear that this body was not a substitute for a spiritual successor, and that this group was to administer his practical affairs.

At one stage Jayesh (Chair of the Inner-Circle) was having some disobedience trouble with people visiting other living Masters (fake or otherwise). So Jayesh shuts this down by introducing his take on what Osho means to him (now that Osho has left the body). This is Jayesh’s own interpretation of Osho. As Chairman of the Inner-Circle he has a practical limitation to his mandate. Yet, he ignores this.

Here is the end of the letter from Jayesh that I have quoted….

With love to you,
Swami Anand Jayesh, Chairman,
On behalf of the Inner Circle.
[End quote]

You see it is Jayesh, as Chair of the Inner Circle, which has a practical mandate, who imposes his personal views of Osho on the entire movement (and others that become interested).

Kranti offers a quote that expresses an idea that Jayesh also likes very much, that of individual awareness. The trouble with this quote is that it focuses so much on this concept that it diminishes the importance of the Master, so much so that in the end Osho says that once the Master has gone, everything worthwhile has finished. (Remember that Osho left NO successor!)

The system that has been adopted for editing and compilation is such that the inclination would be in this instance to keep the first part of the quote, and then delete the last part. Then, when you put it all together, you get a non-devotional ‘zen’ impression of Osho, yet you still get to keep the Master (even now that he is dead). You see the last part of the quote actually completely discredits everything done after 19th Jan, 1990. That is why it should be deleted. Actually that is not entirely true. It discredits everything that seeks to create the impression of an Osho sannyassin as having spiritual authority (and spiritual superiority).

The simple fact of the matter is that Osho left a straightforward non-controversial road map. With no spiritual successor, the only scope is to protect and make available his legacy. There can be no interpretation or argument, even at the highest levels. The reason is because the highest level was a practical managerial administration (the Inner-Circle). If you understand the simple truth of being in the Inner-Circle, who would want the job anyway. It is simply to protect his property, make available his meditations, therapires, discourses, and publications, all with the aim of 24 karat purity. Jayesh is right about the 24 karat purity part. It is why anything other than editing for simple grammatical mistakes is not possible. Yet, vast editing and deletion and creation has been done.

Who would want to be in the Inner-Circle? Well just after Osho left the body Amrito (vice-chair) said that in White-Robe the following night he would explain the functioning of the Inner-Circle. Explain what, that you had just been given a boring practical job. Ah no, some people in the Inner-Circle were great devotees and disciples of Osho. They had imbibed the spirit of Osho for decades and were now saintly beings. So the secret that the work of the Inner-Circle is an entirely boring affair was kept a secret. This is the secret. The secret is already out, it is just that you have forgotten.

Then Jayesh and Amrito kicked everyone else out, and see the result. What do you think of Jayesh’s very own personal views about Osho. He is imparting his spiritual views on the Osho movement. He likes flash things hence you get either 5 stars or nothing, but he also likes to be the chief disciple of a Master that though dead, is still very much alive. Did you know that? Did you find that out when you read the latest Yoga journal or when you read the latest Osho texts that are subject to systematic deletion and editing?

What about when you make the journey to the Pune resort? Even then you will not have a clue. You will either have to visit the German Bakery, oops you can’t do that because it has been blown up. Oh well maybe ask a dissident, oops you can’t do that because they have all been banned or left Pune through issuing of threats and violence.

Hmmm, where is Jayesh?

Well, he is a busy finance guru and only works behind the scenes to make available a nice space for people to meditate and meet. You see, it is because he is humble and has no ego, unlike Keerti and Rajneesh and others.

Right so he has no spiritual interpretation of Osho that he secretly has imparted to me through the book I read?

Nahh, not at all.

Right, so the resort looks innocent enough, but actually the background is that the people higher up in management have a spiritual interpretation of Osho that fits with Jayesh’s, and they are also answerable to Jayesh?

Nahh, they are just individual meditators who have lived here in this closed world for decades and have no cultish bias.

Great, can I get a job?

Sure, by the way, what is your belief system? And have a drink of the contaminated drinking water. Oh, yeah and that explosion you heard, I think it was nothing. Hey lets go to the party!

Hey who is that guy he just slipped over the fence.

Ahhh, that was nobody, it was just your projection. You will learn in time.

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