Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // May 2, 2010 at 11:42 pm

Swami Detective (SD): The following has been cut from the Book of Wisdom and Life’s Mysteries. Surrender is out, rebelliousness is out, reference to God is out. OIF is carving up Osho in a systematic manner to create their user-friendly fake nanno-Osho zen. Jayesh and Amrito are trying to create a mass religion based on Osho.

Reading the carved up words of Osho will create a bias in your mind, a bias that supports the arguments from Jayesh and Amrito about how they would like Osho’s vision to proceed. This bias is the essential nature of the turning of the tide from religiousness into religion. Of course they will say to you that they are trying to do just the same thing by streamlining Osho and weeding out all the devotees.

At the apex of Jayesh’s philosophy is an extremist religious notion, and one that he has sought to propagate from the highest to the lowest in his sphere of power. In the clique at the centre of power are people that are deeply devotional in psychological profile. The practical reality is that opponents have been removed through adoption of the concept of non-devotional zen, yet the truth is that the slide into devotional extremism is inherently possible in the central metaphysical position of Jayesh’s, and evident in the explanations and physical conduct of those in power. It is also evident in the systematic manner in which Osho’s words are being carved up.
SD: So what, is OIF going to threaten SannyasNews for allowing deleted words of Osho. Hahahaaa, what a joke! OIF, 24 carrot crap!

….It is only when you can trust the unknown that you can trust a master, never before it, because the master represents nothing but the unknown. He represents the uncharted, he represents the infinite, the unbounded. He represents the oceanic, he represents the wild, he represents God.

….That’s what sannyas is all about. Sannyas is going to undo all that the society has done. It is not just accidental that priests are against me, politicians are against me, parents are against me, the whole establishment is against me; it is not accidental. I can understand the absolutely clear logic of it. I am trying to undo what they have done. I am sabotaging the whole pattern of this slave society.

My effort is to create rebels, and the beginning of the rebel is to trust in oneself. If I can help you to trust in yourself, I have helped you. Nothing else is needed, everything else follows of its own accord.

….How does this poetry happen? It happens in surrender, it happens when the part gathers enough courage to surrender to the whole, when the dewdrop slips into the ocean and becomes the ocean.

Surrender is a very paradoxical state: on one hand you disappear, on the other hand you appear for the first time in your infinite glory, in your multidimensional splendor. Yes, the dewdrop is gone, and gone forever; there is no way to recapture it, to reclaim it. The dewdrop has died as a drop, but in fact the dewdrop has become the ocean, has become oceanic. It still exists, no more as a finite entity, but as something infinite, shoreless, boundless.
And remember, let me repeat it again: when you surrender to existence you are not surrendering anything real. You are simply surrendering a false notion, you are simply surrendering an illusion, you are surrendering maya. You are surrendering something that you never had with you in the first place. And by surrendering that which you don’t have, you attain to that which you have.

….You may be the last generation which has the possibility to rebel. And if you don’t rebel, there may be no more chances: humanity can be reduced to a robotlike existence. So rebel while there is still time! I don’t think there is much time left, maybe just this last part of the century, these coming twenty or twenty-five years. If humanity can rebel in these next twenty-five years, this is the last opportunity; otherwise people will be utterly unable to, their unconscious will dominate them. Up to now, the society has only been able to pollute your conscious mind — through education, through the church, through propaganda — but only your conscious mind; your unconscious is still free.

….If you are emptying yourself you will become more and more blissful, because you will become more and more spacious. You will become more and more available to God and to God’s celebration. You will become open to existence and all its joys and all its blessings.
….Beloved Osho, What os those who take sannyas in Poona, only to drop it back in their home environment

Anand Lionel, they are assholes. And they are assholes not because they drop sannyas but because they take it. Their idea is that by taking sannyas here they will gain something, and then back home they can drop it….This is how the mob mind functions. And sannyas is not for the mob mind, it is not for the sheepish mind. It is for lions….A lion, asking such a question?

….This is the beginning of real sannyas.

A middle-aged American lady whose husband had recently died went to a spiritualist to get in touch with him as she was feeling lonely. Contact having been established, she said, “Hello, honey! How you doin’?”Honey: “Fine. In fact I’m a hell of a lot better off than I was before.”Lady: “How do you pass the time, honey?”Honey: “Well, I wake up, make love, have breakfast, make love, have lunch, make love, have supper, make love, sleep, make love, wake up, make love — day in and day out.”Lady: “Where are you, honey? In heaven?”Honey: “No, I’m a bull in Koregaon Park, Poona.”

That possibility is there, you can misunderstand me. And there are also others at the other extreme. [Anybody who chooses one part of my teaching is bound to misunderstand me.]

SD: The words in block parenthesis have been retained.

….The fifth question:
Beloved Osho,
Why do You call people cabbages and assholes? It seems so disrespectful.
Anand Swaghat, cabbages are also people, and very innocent people. What do you mean, “It seems so disrespectful?” Disrespectful to whom? To cabbages? In fact it is more disrespectful to cabbages to compare them with men. What have they done?

Just look at man’s history, and the history of cabbages. You will not find more innocent people than cabbages, they are all buddhas — so silent, so happy, so meditative. And you are saying, “It seems so disrespectful.” To man?

And what can I do if somebody is an asshole? I am not condemning him, I am simply stating a fact. Do you want me to lie? An asshole is an asshole, plain and simple. And remember, it is perfectly okay to be an asshole.

But why, Swaghat, are you worried? Are you a cabbage or…?

….So, Krishna Prem, the controversies will become more and more. And because I am controversial, my people are bound to be controversial too. Because I am controversial, you will also be offensive, you will also have to suffer. You will also have to be ready to be persecuted in many ways.

But remember one thing. To live a life of compromise is worse than death. And to live a life of truth, even if it is for a single moment, is far more valuable than to live eternally in lies. To die for truth is far more valuable than to live in lies.

….That’s why love, which can open the gates of paradise, only opens the gates of hell….Man is very close to God, the closest. Hence the responsibility and the danger, the hazard, the adventure. You can fall. And what is the fall?…. It is not because you are lower than the birds, it is because you are higher and much more is required of you. It is because you are higher that God’s criterion for you is higher too….If the parents insist, “Cleanliness is next to God,” the children will start living in every kind of dirt.

….There is every possibility their love may go deeper than your love, may have a higher quality of intimacy, may have something more of poetry and more of God in it.

….Don’t make Wicked Jokes

SD: The above phrase is a deleted chapter title.

And, slowly slowly, I will turn the commune into an energy communication….That’s what you have to remember when you come to me for an energy darshan, for a “close-up.”…. When you are in an energy darshan with me, when you are partaking of something of my energy,….

The fifth question:
Beloved Osho,
How can we know the difference between surrender and dependency, not just with You but with all that comes up in our lives?

Veereshwar, the difference is so absolutely clear that once you have experienced surrender you will never miss understanding what is surrender and what is dependency.
Surrender is out of love, dependency is out of fear. Dependency is a relationship in which you are hankering for something, desiring something; there is a motive. You are ready to become dependent — that’s what you are willing to pay for something. Surrender has no desire in it. It is sheer joy, it is trust, it is unmotivated….

….That’s why it happens to many sannyasins…. Just now Haridas has said that he used to go outside the ashram; now it is becoming more and more difficult to go outside. Why is it becoming more and more difficult to go outside? Nobody is prevented from going outside, but it becomes difficult on its own, because you see so much nonsense — and you have to see it, because it is there; you have to listen to it.

SD: Here is a reference to the value of being in an ashram. Of course it has been deleted! Jayesh and others argue that Osho discarded the old ashram model, and replaced it with a more worldly (zen) vision. If this is the case, what is the need to hide the benefits of the ashram model? Are such statements now wrong?

….In the new commune we are going to introduce all kinds of meditations. Those who enjoy swimming, they will have opportunities to go for a swimming meditation. Those who enjoy running, they will have their group to run for miles. Each according to his need — only then this world can be full of meditation; otherwise not.

….The master is one who is not, the master is one who has already disappeared into God….When the disappearance also has happened to the disciple, the first experience is that of meeting and merger with the master — because the disciple does not know what God is, he knows only the master. The master is his or her God….Hidden behind the master’s hands were God’s hands, hidden behind the master’s words were God’s messages….Your prayer is going to be fulfilled in this life.

….Beloved Osho, Please explain the difference between a sannyasin and one who is not, yet lives with a deep commitment to truth.

….Unless you see somebody who has committed that suicide and still is — in fact for the first time is…. You will have to look into those eyes which have seen truth, and a glimpse of the truth will be caught through those eyes. You will have to hold hands with someone who has known, receive the warmth and the love… and the unknown will start flowing into you….

SD: Here Osho alludes to the necessity of a living Master. Of course this flies directly in the face of Jayesh’s deep insight into Osho that even people who have not met Osho can get everything they need from Him. This extreme devotional position also demonstrates a religious zeal at the centre of the current supposedly hard line non-devotional ‘zen’ style Osho model pushed by Jayesh, Amrito, and the team.

SD: Another theme not demonstrated is the seemingly taboo subject of death. Often times there a major deletions when this is mentioned. Hence in the book Life’s Mysteries, we have the following amendment.

I have heard that your sannyasins celebrate everything….

SD: More from Life’s Mysteries


….Zorba is love; Buddha is awareness. It is easier to grow one, but is far more juicy to grow both together. And if both together can be grown, then the master will not be the last barrier, because in love and awareness you will become one with the master.

On the path of awareness the master is a barrier. That’s why Buddha said, “If you meet me on the path, cut my head immediately.” That is the answer on the path of awareness, because in Buddha’s teaching there is no place for love.

There have been schools of love like the Sufis. A Sufi will not agree with this. He will say, “If the master meets you on the way, become one with him.” But if you are understanding my approach… it is a little bit complex, because I am trying that your love and your awareness both go hand in hand….The world has known both kinds of people — the lovers and the meditators — but the world has never tried both together. This synthesis will bring a new kind of man. For this kind of searcher, the master is not a barrier at all.

SD: It is argued that Osho’s teaching evolved from devotion to zen. The above points to a different philosophical position from Osho about his own teachings. All this talk of love for the Master is not very helpful when you want to kick out all the lovers of Osho.

….I am not saying to you, escape from your love affairs: go deeper into them. I help my sannyasins to go into love, because I know love ultimately fails. And unless they know by their own experience that love ultimately fails, their search for God will remain phony.

….The difference between a politician and an English lady…
When a politician says yes, he means maybe. When he says maybe, he means no. If he says no, he’s no politician.

When an English lady says no, she means maybe. When she says maybe, she means yes. If she says yes, she’s no lady.

SD: Another recurrent theme is the deletion of crude references to politicians. Other rather crude jokes are also regularly dismissed.

….It happened that I was expelled from a college…. I was expelled from many colleges and many universities; that way it gave me great richness. Nobody has belonged to so many colleges and so many universities. In the city where I was there were twenty colleges; time came when not a single college was ready to accept me.

SD: The entire explanation of Osho being a very naughty boy has been deleted. It is of course bad for the image to reveal such things. Fancy Osho being ‘banned’ from all those universities.

….An American, a very devout Catholic, had tried for years to get a private audience with the pope. When his request was finally granted, he flew to Rome, and within the hour was kneeling before His Holiness. Kissing the ring after the pope had blessed him, the man said, “Your Holiness, I want you to know this has been the most inspirational experience of my life. I am deeply grateful. I would like to share my favorite story with you: There were these two Polacks…” “Excuse me, my son,” the pope interrupted, a little offended, “are you aware that I am Polish?”

“Ah yes, Your Holiness, but don’t worry. I will tell it very, very slowly.”

SD: It seems that politicians are not the only ones to be appeased through deletions.


SD: Most of the answer to this question has been deleted. It discusses issues surrounding rebelliousness and guilt.

….You say, “I feel like the tiger in the story awakening to its true nature.” No Vasumati, that tiger has not felt anything awakening in him. He has just encountered the awakening — out of nowhere. The tiger was simply looking in the water, seeing the reflected face of the old tiger and his own. He simply gave a tremendous roar and the valleys resounded it. It was not a longing or a thinking or a feeling or a desire — “let us think about it, let us consult a few wiser people.” It was spontaneous, without a single thought. And that is the way to be awake.

Let your tiger explode into a wild roar. In that roar your false identity with a sheep will disappear, will be gone. It is not a decision by the mind, it is an outburst of the being itself.….You have become a thinker. To hell with all thinkers, just act. There is not much time to think about what is right and what is wrong….I think it is time, Vasumati. Do something, legal or illegal, but do it. Enough of thinking.

SD: This sounds a lot like Osho encouraging a disciple to be rebellious. Better delete that one, it might create fear of major civil unrest.

SD: Another theme I have noted is that, in highlighting a positive aspect, Osho first expresses the negative aspect. This can be considered repetitious, and so often times the negative is removed, especially if it has been talked about in general, leading up to the positive statement. It is considered redundant, yet I cannot see how anyone other than Osho can have the authority to remove it. Since he did not in his talks, then presumably he would not have considered it redundant (else why did he use this particular linguistic style).

….With an [un]alert mind the (same) energy becomes [violence; with an alert mind the same energy becomes] compassion.
() added[] deleted

….My only contribution to human evolution is a sense of humor. No other religion, no other philosophy has [accepted] (attempted) humor as something religious; it seems to them that it is something profane.

SD: The interchanged words are entirely different in meaning.

….You all have to risk, and you have to risk all that you have. And risk it with great joy! because what can be more joyous than to give birth to a new man, to become vehicles for a new man, for a new humanity?

It is going to be painful as every birth is painful. But the pain can be welcomed if you understand what is going to happen through it. If you can see the child coming out of it, then the pain is no more pain — just as the mother can accept the pain of the child’s birth. The pain is irrelevant: her heart is dancing with joy — she is going to give birth to life, she is being creative. She is making this world more alive; a new child is being born through her. God has used her as a vehicle; her womb has proved fertile. She is happy, in great joy. She rejoices, although the pain is there on the periphery. But when this great joy is there, the pain simply functions as a background and makes the joy even more loud. Remember…

My sannyasins can become an energy womb, an energy field. A great synthesis is happening here. East and West ARE meeting here. And if we can make this impossible thing happen, man will live in a totally different way in the future. He will not need to live in the same old hell. Man can live in love, in peace. Man can live in great friendliness. Man can live a life which is nothing but a celebration. Man can make this earth divine.

Yes: this very earth can become the paradise and this very body the Buddha.

….It is painful to be purified! It is like taking pus out of your body — it hurts. Although it is GOOD in the long run — if the pus is out, the poison is out and you will heal soon — but it hurts. To take the pus out is painful. But to leave it inside is to help it to grow; it will spread all over your body.

One can only be ready to go through purification if the desire is so total that one is ready even to die for it if that is needed. And it is a kind of death — because the personality that you have always thought you are will have to die. You will have to drop all that you are identified with. And THAT has been your ego. You will have to surrender all that you have been claiming up to now and bragging up to now; all that has been precious to you has to be dropped as utter rubbish. It IS painful. It feels as if you are losing your kingdom and you are becoming a beggar.

SD: This is the raw truth of the ultimate search. Better tone it down and make the spiritual search sound nicer.

SD: There are many other deletions (and additions) in the two texts I referred to.

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