Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // Apr 4, 2010 at 1:06 am

Mr Smartyn, your above statement along with the rest of your scramble is conjecture. The rest is truth.

Your libertarianism is rooted in anarchism is rooted in the Marxist maxim each according to ones ability and each according to ones needs. It is the true path of love, or the path with heart. Each individual’s unique talent is offered as a creative gift to the whole, and each individual’s needs are met with sensitivity and benevolence. You want to break down the hierarchical power structures in society because you see them as being rigid, oppressive, and dictatorial. All great efforts like this in the past have broken down the existing structures and then created the likes of Stalin and Mao and Chavez and Master Kim and Jayesh. Yes if all beings stopped interfering in the lives of others your theory would work. Yet as Nietzsche knows so well, the will to power of man is a force to be reckoned with. There is a second problem with your theory. May all beings have equal opportunity, but not all beings are equal. Some have more intellectual capacity than others (you for example), some are more loving, and some are more powerful. This power can be used to create vast good in this world. You are of the misguided view that this power can only create vast evil, hence it is your ambition to destroy power. In trying to destroy power you are trying to destroy an essential quality of man. You are not different than the celibate religious zealots whose aim is to destroy sexuality. Sexuality, as with power, is to be understood and transcended. Sexual repression creates perversion. Repression of power creates violence. This will always be the end result of efforts like yours. People like you will destroy civil society and create civil war rather than your aspired lofty goal of civilised society.

I like your line of inquiry Vigyano.
If Dhyanesh did run to the blast-site, was it after White-Robe?
The second blast in the recent Moscow bombings was around 40 minutes after the first.

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