Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // Mar 29, 2010 at 1:34 am

Amano, the investigation is ongoing.

When I read back through the posts it seems that there have been repeated warnings for Resort management and the Inner-Circle to get their act together. Their conduct in regard to the Bakery Blast appears wanting to say the least. How fortunate it is that there was no serious terrorist attempt on the resort that night.

It cannot be said that it was because the resort is a fortress. It also cannot be said that it was because of a swift response from management. With such strong warnings over the preceding weeks and months of the possibility of an imminent terrorist attack, their conduct appears to be such a serious warning, yet it almost goes unflagged. It is testimony to how entrenched the situation is.

As mentioned before, the Bakery management could be charged under the Indian Penal Code. From what I have gathered, if there was an attack at the resort, resort management would also find themselves in a similar situation. Yet despite this, there is no response from the Inner-Circle, the resort management, or from the general sannyass community.
Yes the few that were caught up in the Bakery incident and tried to coordinate with the resort have fortunately not remained silent. It is out of their intelligence to act and their courage to speak up that the truth of managements conduct comes to light. Still, the previous post dries up, and Parmartha posts an old defence of Osho.

Cannot Osho sannyassins see the scary predicament that is the present, and the ramifications for the future. Is the ongoing harm to sannyasins and visitors alike (that is being documented on SannyasNews) of any importance? The night of the Bakery Blast visitors to the resort were left dangerously exposed to a distinctly possible threat.

Yes it is great to be an icon of truth blazing through a culture of lies and hypocrisy. This is what many see and are drawn to in Osho. The swimming pool standing as a metaphoric pillar, erect and proud in a sea of sexual repression. The obvious opulence standing in the face of those who adore poverty. The utter individualism that battles against the religion of sentiment. A bastion of truth in a world of ignorance. This is a concept of Osho that is the making of extremist religious ideology. In practical terms it is riddled with lies, and is but a fragment of Osho.

One also has also to be a little practical. If Osho started his teachings today rather than decades ago, and if he did not take a more stringent approach to security than he did in his early days, he (and his flock) would be pulverised into oblivion in no time at all. Today extremists have more than knives to throw with. Osho sannyassins are living in a dream of what was. Everything you classify Osho as being (whether that be rebellious or contra-legal) is your delusion, unless you classify Osho as only what is. You take my observation as an attack, yet it is a critique of your delusion. The important issues arise here now, and almost all miss the point.

I question the sincerity of much in defence of Osho. It is typically repetitive and predictable, and therefore has no effect.

SannyasNews copies the words of a person who has moved on to another body. Osho sannyasins copy the words of a Master that has moved on for eternity. All this to protect the image of Osho that you hold in your dreaming mind.

Intelligent and insightful defence of Osho is a worthy task. If you feel you do not have the capacity to do so, my suggestion is either to look at what is happening within the Osho sannyassin movement that is destroying his credibility, or alternatively and preferably have a look in yourself.

I am presenting positions here and inviting intelligent responses. I admit I did not read the introduction to the post and so assumed that it was timely, and written by a living being. I received a response that clarified my mistake, and hence I can move forward in my understanding. This is what I am asking of other people.

What is the response to the internal issues raised? What is your knowledge, your understanding, and your responsibility in this regard?

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