Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // Mar 23, 2010 at 10:08 am

Fresch, my name is Swami Detective not Swami PowerTripper, and I am a professional, hence flirting will not get you anywhere.
For some reason the following disappeared into the void earlier today.
Yes it is beautiful to say sweet things and grow flowers, and I hope Fresch’s intuition for the future is right. However to offer an honest appraisal of the happenings at the resort should not be automatically condemned to the realm of negativity and criticism. If you wish to build a garden like in Fresch’s vision, you cannot do so without the clarity that is courageous enough to challenge the status quo that may be both powerful and wrong. In general the resort authorities also believe they are doing grand actions, and views in a negative light any viewpoint that is either different or seeks to apparently criticise them. An honest self-appraisal that includes understanding the consequences of your actions (or inaction as the case may be), and taking responsibility for that, is missing. If you for example disagree that to not bring to the attention of resort visitors the bakery bombing was a deeply flawed decision, then why not entertain your thoughts here. Instead we have that assessment condemned outright as being in the realm of the negative. It is in the realm of the search for the truth in this mundane world. The flowers Fresch speaks of are also in the mundane world. It is ironic that in this regard Osho fits into the realm of ruthless honesty at all cost more than any other Master that has past. Why did you not walk away from him when he condemned so many aspects of society? Was his persistent appraisal of paedophilia in the priest-hood not spot on? Is the pattern of criticising the honest search for truth in part an unwillingness to acknowledge an understanding your own dark secrets?

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