Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Detective // Apr 24, 2010 at 1:16 am

Lokesh’s quote goes against everything that many Osho sannyassins have been conditioned to believe in. Yes Osho has said that He will be available to you even after leaving the body, if you go deep enough. Surprise, surprise, Osho has also said to get over it and find a living Master. The likes of Shantam, Fresch, and Kranti have already cried foul. What text is it? When did he utter these words? I don’t believe you? He probably said those things under coercion from someone! Ah, no, that was when he was being his old devotional self and he changed to new-age zen! You folks are nuts, but you are not alone.

There was nearly a major revolt in the late 90’s by a collective of Osho therapists. Turiya (Path of Love founder) was visiting another so-called Master. Jayesh sought to shut this down by offering, from his majestic position as Chairman of the Inner-Circle, that Turiya was not going deep enough, was only going to come to harm by visiting a fake guru, and that this was Osho’s position (based on Jayesh’s deep insight into Osho).

[Jayesh] He shares that many of His people who were with Him in the body would not make the jump from the presence of the master in the body to the absence of the master in the body. That for the mind of many, the gap created would be too deep and too wide. That in the mystery of existence, they would not understand that they had received from existence exactly what was required of the Master’s bodily presence. And that in this pain of the mind they would travel the world sitting at the feet of every idiot – Osho’s words. Clear, accepting and compassionate.

[Jayesh] He also says that His new people, who would be coming after He left the body, would not have the need of His physical presence – again in the mystery of existence, if they had that need they would have come earlier. He says existence calls people to the work of an enlightened One at exactly the right moment. That because of countless generations of religions and priests, we are conditioned that we need the other and as a result we give the other our responsibility. That his new people coming would be very fragile in their potential to be totally responsible and be courageous enough to walk alone, feeling the presence of the Master without the need of His body.

[Jayesh] It is clear to us that it is best for Osho’s work that you not offer your work in Osho Centers, nor as an Osho therapist at this time. The doors of course are always open to you as a meditator .

In August of 1998, Jayesh sent a copy of the letter to all Osho Meditation Centres throughout the world.

Turiya, after a time of reflection, came to a view that was in accordance with Jayesh, and was deeply apologetic, and very clearly from the heart.

Turiya accepted Jayesh’s position, and presumably so to did all the Osho Meditation Centres.
Now we have Lokesh quoting Osho as saying you would be going against His wishes if you did not go to a living Master, if you rather stayed with a dead Master. So who is Jayesh to enforce just one of Osho’s array of views on any given subject? Is it Jayesh that has the authority and capacity to decree that all Osho therapists must subscribe to his personal views, based on the quotes of Osho that he likes. Turiya felt the need to visit a living Master. Jayesh, in his letter, actually denied Turiya the chance to grow, and in accordance with Osho (read Lokesh’s quote). How can it be good than for an Osho therapist to have their wings clipped and therefore be less in a capacity to do their work in helping people that come to Osho? Turiya accepted Jayesh’s view of Osho and was therefore restricted in spiritual growth. This can only seek to also be a dis-service to all those that did (and do) the Path of Love.

OIF would prefer that a quote like Lokesh’s never again see the light of day. It seeks to take aware their entire power base. People like Jayesh and Amrito have no capacity to give an inspirational discourse, to offer new meditations or therapies, or to drown you in their silence. There entire power base is a monopolisation of Osho’s legacy and resources. And here we have a quote from Osho that is an arrow into the great myth. Go forth and find another living Master.
Jayesh needs to enforce his interpretation of Osho because if he does not, he stands to lose his power base. He will lose control of Osho therapists, some Osho Meditation Centres, and ultimately Osho’s legacy (dream).

Not even Turiya had the sense to see beyond Jayesh’s imposition of the select way he would like to view Osho, the select way he would like everyone to view Osho. Then of course we have the likes of Shantam, Fresch, and Kranti, that have an incapacity to give even a moments reflection without denouncing, ridiculing, and ostracising anyone or anything that stands against this imposition (even Osho himself).

Can not some people see some sense? What of Turiya now? What of all the Osho Meditation Centres that still follow Jayesh’s interpretation of how things should be? Yes it may likely be that a dead Master like Osho is of immense benefit, especially when there are so many charlatans. Still, the people who have fallen in line behind Jayesh and his dream (fantasy) are not following Osho, and nor are they following their own heart. They are following Jayesh and he is the real charlatan.

Given enough time, any evidence of quotes like the one from Lokesh will be removed from record. They are very dangerous. Such quotes will be removed from the texts, and even removed from discourses. In this way, after a while, Osho will become just the way Jayesh and his team would like him to be, and they can hold onto their grip on religious power. It is an abuse of power and a desecration of the spirit and legacy of the Master called Osho.

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